Whether you need one simple report or a set of comprehensive reports spanning multiple areas of operation, CRS will get you what you need when you need it. With an emphasis on customer service, professionalism and attention to detail, CRS will make your deadline our deadline.
“Since 2007 CRS has played a critical role in the development of our annual budget reports which are used by senior staff to analyze and determine budget allocations across several funds. It is a complex and multi-faceted process that is made easier with the reports developed by CRS. In addition, reports are used by payroll during every pay cycle to ensure that data is set up correctly for over 19,000 staff. We have found CRS to be professional, thorough and timely in delivering services.”
—Director of Financial Planning & Management – Jefferson County Public Schools
The most commonly requested reports include YTD Budget, Next Year Budget Projections, Earnings and Benefits, Personnel Lists, and Collections. With a keystroke and a few report parameters, you can have detail and summary reports with your custom groupings and subtotals. Several clients have produced award winning budget books with the detail and clarity that comes from clean reports.
Many clients turn to CRS looking for innovative solutions. Over the years we have provided data import files, delinquent letters, new hire packets, combined balance sheets, personnel action forms, EOY accrual liability, water and sewer rate analysis, and many more custom solutions.
Whether you are a finance director looking for a better way to report to the council, or a school HR manager needing a detailed list of who is on which health plan, or a collector trying to determine why your revenue isn’t behaving as you expect, you will enjoy working with someone who “gets” what you need and will help you meet your deadline!